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About Us

Who We Are

Stell House Farm is a small, family farm, thriving off the land...

It all started in April 2020, when we bought our first lambs. At the time the eldest was 1 week and the youngest, only 3 days. We fed them by hand, in their cozy little stable, whilst the winds were howling outside.

As the end of winter became spring, the lambs grew and they were eager to go outside and nibble on their first blades of grass.

We then grew our chicken flock from 8, to 28 and then up to 130!  Our free-range eggs became a favorite with the dog walkers, cyclists and hikers going down the lane. 

Also, be sure to check out our range of homemade jams and preserves here.

Interested? Have a look through our selection of produce.

About Us: Our Farm

No. of Chickens



No. of Sheep


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